
Monday, July 1, 2013


The other day I was visiting at my cousins, and we got into the conversation of my photography. I have some pretty supportive family members when it comes to my passion. They tell me to never give up and make something of it. I've been doubting my "talent" and have even been thinking of just quitting for good. But she gave me something as a promise to not give up. Two of her favorite cameras! They're very good quality, great condition, and one of the fastest film cameras before everything started becoming digital. I was in shock, I still am. No one understands how much cameras mean to me. I even had a boyfriend who would surprise me with vintage cameras on our anniversaries or just because he felt I should have it. It might be weird to think that they make me happy, but they do. I can't help it. But anyways, once I bought some new batteries I loaded it with film and captured anything that caught my eye.

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