
Thursday, July 25, 2013


Well it has been a little while since i have posted anything, and that is because i haven't picked up my cameras in weeks. I've been wanting to go out and shoot but the weather here has just been to extreme to do anything outside. From excruciating heat to intense rain storms, mother nature just can't make up her mind. So the other day I was at a friends house and we decided to go out for a walk and i brought my camera along and finally put it to some use. Just for fun, since i haven't had any business lately.

Lorelei's photo, my edit :)

I am tiny, i know. Taken by: Lorelei Burnside

you may notice on some images that i have placed a watermark... i think i am going to start doing it more often. I'm still debating on if i should place one on photos that are being taken for money (senior photos, etc)?? I mean photographers ARE artists, our captures are our artwork. There shouldn't be a problem with having a signature of some sort on each photo. That is artwork being sold, and there needs to be something that claims it is yours. Just some random thoughts that have been in mind lately. Hope you enjoyed these :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013


So I was up late last night designing some flyers for my photography. I'm hoping once I print these out and put them out there, that I will get a few sessions to get me bye while I continue my job search. BUT I'm having a hard time choosing which one I like better? Feel free to comment, or tweet which one you like and any helpful words to make them better. I'd really appreciate your help :) 

*Yes, I do know before I put these out there I need to get permission for anyone who is on this to publicly display them.* If anyone who is on this that would not like their photo be out in public just let me know! 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Everything Is Different When You're A Child

So as we all know, yesterday was the 4th of July. To be honest, it was always one of my favorite days to celebrate... as a child. But now that i'm older the day just doesn't excite me as much as it used to. I would be so happy knowing that I would be surrounded by friends and family and friendly neighbors with the enjoyment of yummy foods and fireworks and lots and lots of music, but everyone knows that in life things happen and things change. I guess being an adult it's only fun if you party and drink til you pass out which is not what I do. I didn't do much yesterday. After spending a few hours at home, I went to visit some family for a bit and then went with some friends to watch the firework show in town. But before the fireworks, we took an adventure in the woods (during the day this time). This forest is pretty sketchy whether it is at night or even during the day.

As always when it comes to my tripod, I either forget the tripod itself or the clip that attaches to my camera... Last night i forgot the attachment so I had to sit very still when capturing the fireworks. As for the woods, looks pretty sketchy, right? Just imagine being alone with one friend and seeing a random man wandering around by himself and then while walking deeper into the woods noticing that he is very still hiding behind a tree... yeah, that is how my first experience went the other day when I didn't have my camera. The guy ended up coming out 10 minutes after us. Other than sketchy experiences, i'm hoping to have a shoot here. Maybe with smoke bombs? 

p.s. if any of you who view my blog are on pinterest, follow me! xo

Monday, July 1, 2013


The other day I was visiting at my cousins, and we got into the conversation of my photography. I have some pretty supportive family members when it comes to my passion. They tell me to never give up and make something of it. I've been doubting my "talent" and have even been thinking of just quitting for good. But she gave me something as a promise to not give up. Two of her favorite cameras! They're very good quality, great condition, and one of the fastest film cameras before everything started becoming digital. I was in shock, I still am. No one understands how much cameras mean to me. I even had a boyfriend who would surprise me with vintage cameras on our anniversaries or just because he felt I should have it. It might be weird to think that they make me happy, but they do. I can't help it. But anyways, once I bought some new batteries I loaded it with film and captured anything that caught my eye.