
Monday, February 16, 2015

Snowed in on the Fourth Floor

This morning when i woke up to get ready for work, I looked out the window and saw way too much snow to my liking. My poor Dahlia wouldn't budge so I spent the day cleaning around the apartment and cooked one of my favorite meals, albondigas, or as other people call it "meatball soup"

     Meal prep


    Isn't my salt shaker the cutest?

And that basically sums up my snow day. Can't wait for it to be gone, I absolutely hate snow. 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jesse & Sara

Some more of Sara and Jesse's session...
hope you enjoy :)

................til next time. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Baby is Comingggg!

So it's been a while, and i obviously failed at my 365 days of photos... but this one human named Jesse and I have been talking about having a maternity shoot as soon as he told me his wife was pregnant. He finally convinced her, so my mom and i took a trip to their beautiful home and spent some time taking photos. It had to be one of the funnest sessions i've ever had. They're such a beautiful couple, and here's a preview of my sweet little nephew *wink wink* cooking in his mama's tummy.