As of lately, i have been doing absolutely nothing besides the usual search for a job. Having no work experience does not help, at all. I haven't even had photography work either, which really makes me sad. All i want to do is make money off my art, but it's not that easy. Artists struggle. We struggle to be known and to be taken seriously. If you're not a professional, and you're just a freelancing amateur like i am, you're basically looked at as a joke. If you're too young, people will make you promises they will not keep. Trust me. Or you get taken advantage of with your work and they'll try to pay you way less than what you charge. I mean, photographers or any other type of artist deserve our money. People think, "oh well that's a nice camera you got there that's why you take good pictures." False. Great pictures come from having a creative mind, a good eye, and PASSION. Does a chefs gourmet meal depend on the stove that's used? Well if it does depend on the stove, that must mean you're only a good poet/writer/journalist because you have a high quality pencil, and a graphic artist only produces such amazing work cause they have the newest software. totally wrong. Being a photographer isn't as easy as people think. it is not a quick snap, edit, here you go. The artist has to be happy with their work in order for the client to be happy with the results as well. I have a wedding to shoot in 38 days and i'm really starting to freak out because i have no money to buy extra camera accessories i need that i do not own. I've never taken photos at such a huge event for money... what's gonna happen if i miraculously get job, and being on probation, end up having to work on that important day???
Well, enough of my ranting.... although barely even laying a finger on my cameras, here's what i have to share from the past few weeks.
Well, hope you enjoyed what you saw. I just finished a roll of film last night, so eventually that will be developed and scanned and posted in a blog. The fair is going on right now, so hopefully i'll have a chance to go and get some photos that are not taken with a crappy cell phone camera. Oh, i had a friend on
Instagram a while back who mentioned that i should sell some prints of mine. I'm not so sure if i should? Would anybody even be interested in purchasing prints? I eventually might give in... it doesn't hurt to try? til next time, thanks for stopping bye. -Nessa